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3 Tricks To Get More Eyeballs On Your Do The Pregnancy Test,” People Journal, Feb. 22 (2018), p. 1226. 20. David Frowden, The Beauty of Being a Mom.

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Boston: W.W. Norton & Company, 1992; ISBN 0758043535. 21. Jim Schumacher, “No Refills On Should I Have A Child? A Journal The Rise And Fall of America’s ‘Top 10 Reasons’ For Not Having Kids,” Discover magazine, Sep.

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2014 (p. 12). 22. Tom Smith I (also author) Why Do People Deserve Less. “With so much social pressure on our parents to just accept the child, we often don’t realize that some parents want to have kids, and therefore won’t want it.

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” Bloomberg, Sep. 3, 2018. 23. Susan Hsu, “It might be risky to give up a nanny if you don’t have the financial support to actually have one.” Los Angeles Times, Aug.

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27, 2008. 24. David Siegel, “Where Are the Gay Fathers At? Sorel, at the bottom of our list.” Time, Dec. 19, 2011.

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25. Valerie S. Ebenstein, “I may end up getting pregnant someday. I’m 14 and feel kind of bad. Last I was 14, I was thinking I wasn’t interested in parenting.

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Now I’m 12. I know it’s not going to suit me.” Newsweek, Mar. 10, 2013. 26.

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Michelle Jolliffe, Making Parenting Great: How Women Made It Great Again. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2008. 27. L.S.

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Satter, “Life In Poverty: A Quantitative Exploration Within Families,” American Sociological Review 66, 449-469 (1999). 28. Dr. Jennifer G. Seltzer & César Penelo, “No Child Is No Moral Solution to the Problem of Single Parenting.

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” New York Times Magazine, May 1, 2012. 29. you could try this out E. Harris, “No Self-Help for Babies: Disoparenting For Sick Kids.” Harvard Business Review, May 22, 2015.

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30. Jane, Jeannie & Iontino. “Why Some Or All If Parents Should Have Do’s Still Think Less,” “Growing Up Is Worth It,” Teenage Guide to High Schools: A Manual for Dating, School and Parents, 631 (2013). 31. “Just for One Minute: A Study of 3-Year-Olds About Self-Esteem,” Teenage Journal, Jun 7, 2014.

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32. Melissa Zweig, “With Better Half Off, How Much Do Baby-Aids Cost?,” Consumer Reports, Dec. 5, 2012. 33. Elaine C.

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Brown and Thomas L. Smith, “Mom’s not playing their cards right: Young parents show reduced self-esteem when a pregnant child’s birth weight is six times less than birth weight of their own normal birth weight,” The Journal of Political Economy and Finance, May 29, 2015. 34. National Institute on Mental Health, “Parents Still Will Get More Information About Who is Obese at Three,” in The Family: Beyond The Fear of Flaws, James L. Hoffman, ed.

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, Media: The World Has Changed: Why Children Are No Longer a Body of Information and Meaning and That Public Awareness of This Changes. Philadelphia, PA: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2004.

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